Featured Speaker: Jonathan Glazer

Co-Organizer of the Thank You Plant Medicine Movement; entrepreneur

Jonathan graduated in psychology. He is an entrepreneur, a 20 years meditation student and one of the co-organizers of the Thank You Plant Medicine Movement. He was born in Israel and since 2003 resides in Costa Rica. His interests and passions are neuroscience and psychology, the role of music in plant medicine ceremonial space and in meditation practice, nature and adventure. He now dedicates a significant part of his life to support change related to the stigma in society around psychoactive plants and psychedelics, as well as assist in the responsible integration of these medicines in main stream society.

Featured Speaker: VerDarLuz CelestiOwl

Holistic Life and Business Coach merging Medicine, Astrology, Human Design, and Shamanic Therapies

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6 Ways Entrepreneurs can Leverage ASTROLOGY to Create More Time-Freedom, Avoid Energy and Financial Loss, and Seize Opportunistic Cycles

After his double lung collapse at the tender age of 17, VerDarLuz committed to Seize the Day and take the deep dive into life. A traveler to 40 countries, author of two books Codex of the Soul and Aquarius Dawns, and creator of Divine Timing Online School, VerDarLuz uniquely blends systems of self-awareness—such as Astrology, Human Design, and Shamanic Therapies—into his holistic Life and Business Coaching practice. He teaches entrepreneurs, families, and couples how to honor and integrate their core patterns and archetypes. VerDarLuz empowers clients by helping them strategize the WHEN and WHERE of life: Optimal Time-mapping and Astro-Locality Power Places, as well as the WHO - harmonic relating, in both love and business. Since 2006, he has translated the occult and complex into a pragmatic language through his down-to-earth and playful speaking style. VerDarLuz facilitates transformational workshops involving Astrology, Conscious Relating, Keynote Concerts, Dance, and Shamanic healing worldwide.

Featured Speakers: Phoenix Amara

Internationally recognized Prayerformance Ceremonialist, divine feminine guide & the founder of Temple Arts

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Temple Arts Sensual Liberation Bundle

Phoenix Amara is an internationally recognized Prayerformance Ceremonialist, divine feminine guide & the founder of Temple Arts. Having mentored in esoteric studies and metaphysics since her childhood, she continued studying visual arts and a healing path through plant medicines, personal development modalities, and finally the erotic arts. Over the past 8 years, she’s facilitated hundreds of somatic sensual body work journeys for clients through Temple Arts, as well as mentoring through her online and in-person trainings, retreats and events. Her forthcoming book being published this fall ‘Ascension of Gaia’ documents the spiritual & sexual transformation of the earth’s consciousness and the power of the orgasmic quantum field. You can find more about Phoenix and her work at &